RVA Pipeline, Capital Trail, and Canal Walk

Highlights: River views, Great Shiplock Park, Pipeline, Brown’s Island  Distance: 5.4 miles, out and back Elevation change: 143 feet Difficulty level: moderate Website: James River Parks Parking: Great Ship Lock Park, 2803 Dock St, Richmond, VA 23223  Beer pairings: Triple Crossing Brewery-Nelson Triangles IPA & Triple Crossing DDH Falcon Smash The Hike: Parking can often […]

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RVA Flood Wall and Slave Trails

Highlights: Great river and city views, Flood Wall, Brown’s Island  Distance: 6.6 miles, out and back Elevation change: 286 feet Difficulty level: moderate Website: James River Park system Parking: Ancarrow’s Landing, 1200 Brander St, Richmond, VA 23224 Beer pairings: Legend Brewery-Oak Aged Brown Ale and Legend Hazey Days IPA The Hike: There are several starting

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James River Loop: Buttermilk, Belle Isle, and North Bank trails

Highlights: Great river and city views, Belle Isle, Texas Beach Distance: 7 miles, loop Elevation change: 540 feet Difficulty level: Moderate Website: James River Park system Parking: Pump House Parking Lot, Pump House Drive, Richmond VA 23221 Beer pairings: Ardent Brewery-X IPA & Ardent Dark Rye Stout The Hike: This is one of our favorite

James River Loop: Buttermilk, Belle Isle, and North Bank trails Read More »