
Big Hump & Little Hump Balds

Trail Map: The Hike: This Appalachian Trail section hike reaches two bald summits—Little Hump and Big Hump. The road to the trailhead is gravel/dirt for the last two miles or so. There are some deep ruts and washed-out areas. Our AWD Subaru had no problem. The parking area is on the left, a gate blocks

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Big Firescald Knob

Trail Map: The Hike: This section hike on the Appalachian Trail straddles the North Carolina/Tennessee state line. The open ridge provides spectacular views of both states. The road to the trailhead is paved for a few miles and then turns to gravel/dirt. We had no problems with our AWD Subaru and it should be passable

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Beauty Spot

Trail Map: The Hike: Beauty Spot is a popular local destination. The Appalachian Trail passes through this bald summit. However, most visitors drive here over a bumpy dirt road. The day of our hike, the weather wasn’t cooperating. The forecast called for clouds and scattered showers much of the day. We waited for the heavy

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Charlies Bunion

Trail Map: The Hike: This hike is said to have some of the best views in Great Smoky Mountains NP. We certainly understand why it is so popular. This eight-mile round trip hike on the Appalachian Trail has an option one mile extension on the Jump Off Trail with even more amazing views. Dogs are

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Big Meadows Waterfall Loop

Trail Map: The Hike: We have hiked to both Dark Hollow Falls and Rose River Falls and they are both great hikes. This hike combines both falls and includes a short stretch on the Appalachian Trail. Note pets are not allowed at Dark Hollow Falls. Navigating through the campground at the beginning of the hike

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Staunton River Trail to Bear Church Rock

Trail Map: The Hike: We first hiked to Bear Church Rock several years ago from Bootens Gap in Shenandoah National Park. This hike begins just outside the park in Graves Mill. The trail passes beside two rivers as it climbs to Bear Church Rock. This hike combines segments of several trails, so pay attention at

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